Sunday, November 30, 2008



Front Pembela Islam atau dapat disingakt FPI adalah suatu organisasi Islam yang membela akan ajaran Islam yang murini. Sudah begitu banyak sekali cerita atau berita yang kita dengar mengenai kelompok ini, kelompok yang mengatas namakan gerakan mereka untuk menghilangkan dosa dan menegakkan keadilan.

Sejak berdirinya, berita di TV sudah mencatatat begitu banyak hal yang kelmpok ini lakukan, sebagai contohnya saja, pada tahun-tahun belakang ini, kelomopok ini membantu para polisi menutup dan MERUSAK tempat-tempat hiburan malam, sampai kejadian yang menggoncangkan terjadi saaat INSIDEN MONAS beberapa bulan lalu.

Dan semuannya itu diatas namakan ajaran AGAMA. Sungguh tragis memang melihat adegan pemukulan dan penganiayaan yang dilakukan kelompok ini, namun apaun yang mereka lakukan adalah asas dari suatu AGAMA!!

Dalam perjalanan ke kampus minggu lalu, tiba-tiba saja, saya dikejutkan dengan sebuah tulisan di dinding sebuah gedung olahraga di PATI. Tulisan itu cukup jelas dan membuat saya tercengang. FPI = SUCK, apakah ini sebuah pujian atau sebuah hinaan bagi kelompok pembela ini atau apa….., namun tulisan ini jelas terpampang di daerah yang berbasis Islam!!!.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Pendamai, Are you sure ?.

“Anda bekerja di NGO apa?” tanya seorang lalaki bertubuh tinggi dan berkulit khas orang bule.
“The Frontiers dari korea,” jawabku.
“NGO bergerak di bidang apa itu?’ tanyanya lagi.
“Emm…. bergerak di bidang konflik, ya seperti peace building seperti itu.” jawabku lagi.
“Wahh berarti anda seorang Pendamai donk?” ujar lelaki itu.
Pertannyaan terakhir tidak sempat ku jawab karena saat itu saya harus mengambil passport di imigrasi. Namun saya masih ingat jelas akan kata terakhir lelaki itu “Pendamai???” -berat-.
Dalam benakku aku berfikir apa aku sudah jadi pendamai atau malah pembawa masalah?,-tidak diketahui-
Sejauh ini, aku menikmati pelayananku di Timor Leste, tapi karena teringat akan kejadian singakat diatas, saya befikir apakah saya sudah jadi pendamai?
Sekarang ini hati saya bergejolak mengenai kata-kata itu, aku teringat semua kejadian yang terjadi dalam satu tahun terakhir ini. Saya memulai pemikiran bahwa damai adalah sesuatu yang tercipta dari dalam hati dan keluar melalui tidakan dan tutur kata. Konsep inilah yang saya jalani dalam melayani disini, dan satu hal lagi, ketika kita mau jadi “Pendamai” sudah seharusanya dalam diri kita memiliki kedamaian itu.
bagaimana mungkin orang yang tidak damai dapat mendamaikan orang?
Jadi sekarang, sudah sepantasnya kita berfikir ketika kita mengatakan “Pedamai” maka itu berarti kita memiliki damai itu dalam hati. Betul???

Sepenggal kisah

(Sebuah Cerita di Sudut Sebuah Kamar

Di ruangan bercat putih, dengan lantai berkeramik putih serta meja komputer di sudut sebelah kanan menorehkan sebuah cerita baru dalam lembar hidupku. Pembicaraanku dengan seorang sahabat karib malam itu membuka pikiran dan mataku untuk melihat seberapa jauh aku telah melangkah.
Aku duduk di kursi tepat di depan meja komputer yang baru saja aku gunakan, sambil menyilangkan kaki diatas kursi itu aku mendengar setiap kata yang keluar dari sahabatku itu.
Banyak hal yang kami perbicangkan malam itu, aku sendiri tidak mengerti aku bisa bertahan bercerita sampai berjam-jam dengannya.
“Ehh… Rangga, kalo mau minum ambil sendiri ya.” Ucapnya menawariku.
“Boleh dech, sebentar aku ambil minum dulu, mau tak ambilkan?” tanyaku.
“Ngak usah, biar aku ambil sendiri,…” Jawabnya
Aku bangkit seketika dari kursi dan melangkah keluar dari kamar bercat putih itu, melewati 2 kamar yang saling bersebelahan, dan akhirnya, aku sampai di dapur tepat disebalh kamar kedua yang aku lewati.
Aku mengambil gelas yang ada di rak dan menuangkan air dingin dari lemari es. Kuteguk air dingin itu dan kurasakan setiap rasa dingin yang menyusup masuk kedalam tubuhku, kesegaran yang ingin aku rasakan dalam hidup ini.
Aku mengerti beberapa hari terakhir ini ada begitu banyak masalah yang aku hadapi, begitu penat sampai akhirnya aku putuskan utuk bertemu dengan sahabatku ini. Ingin ku tuangkan setiap kesedihan hati dan kelukaan yang aku terima sampai hari ini hingga tiada lagi sisa luka yang menganga.
Sampai detik ini, sahabatku ini adalah tempatku untuk berbagi, aku tidak tahu lagi kemana aku harus pergi selain laki-laki yang kerap ku panggil Mas Andre itu.
Aku melangkah keluar dari dapur rumah ini, kembali aku melewati 2 kamar tidur dan akhirnya masuk lagi ke dalam kamar yang ku tempati semula.
Kuliat, mas Andre masih duduk diatas kasur empuk di dalam kamar ini. Dan aku kembali meletakkan pantatku di kursi di dekat meja komputer itu.
“Satu hal Dek, yang aku ingin kamu tahu, aku benar-benar berharap kamu bisa mencoba releks dengan masalah ini, aku tak ingin dirimu jatuh lagi dalam masalah yang sama,” kata Mas Andre padaku sesaat setelah aku duduk.
“Ya.. aku berharap masalah ini aku bisa tangani mas, jujur saja aku sudah capek sekali dengan ini semua.”
“iya.. aku tahu, masalah rumah, kuliah, keuangan yang kamu alami itu, aku yakin akan membuat mu lebih dewasa, dan sekarang aku sangat berharap, bahwa dirimu bisa lebih jeli dalam bertindak, ambil porsi atau kerjaan yang dirimu anggap yakin untuk di lakukan, dan satu hal lagi, dirimu bukan malaikat atau Tuhan yang bisa melakukan apa saja.” Jelasnya panjag lebar.
Sejenak pikiranku melayang jauh, memang benar aku bukan malaiakt yang bisa melakukan apa saja. Aku hanya ingin duduk diam sekarang, merasakan keteduhan dan kenyaman.
Aku berfikir bahawa selama ini aku terlalu “mengumbar” semua ide ku kepada semua orang, dan itu akan membuatku lelah sendiri.
“Dek, aku tahu kamu mempunyai ketulusan hati untuk membantu, tapi jika itu membuatmu terfosir dan seakan kamu bekerja sendiri maka aku yakin dirimu yang bakal lelah sendiri,”
“Tapi Mas, aku sungguh tidak mengerti bahwa …..” aku berhenti sejenak “aku sungguh tidak mengerti kenapa mereka menggunakan kebaikanku untuk kepentingan mereka, padahal mereka adalah orang yang berpendidikan”
“Dek..namanya juga politik, maka segala cara akan di gunakan, termasuk memanfaatkan seseorang, maka saranku cobalah berhati-hati dalam bertindak.” Ucapnya sambil menatapku dalam.
Aku sungguh bersyukur mempunyai teman sekaligus sahabat seperti dia. Aku merenung sejenak, mencoba memahami setiap rankaian kata yang ia ucapkan.
Aku tahu masalahku bukan hanya masalah keluarga, tapi juga msalah kuliah. Aku terkejut ketika aku tahu bahwa aku diperalat seseorang untuk kepentingan pribadinya. Aku sungguh tidak terima semua ini. Dalam Hati ku saat ini, aku kecewa dengan semua orang yang aku rasa baik dan menolongku, bahwa aku sempat kecewa dengan keluarga ku.
Aku capek
Aku lemah
Aku bosan
Aku ingin berlari
Tapi apa itu akan menolongku keluar dari masalah?
-aku tidak yakin-
Kini disudut ruang ini, aku hanya terpaku dengan gambaran masalah dalam hidupku.
Aku ingin sekali bersandar pada bahu sahabatku itu dan menangis dengan kejadian seperti ini.
Mungkin bagi kebanyakan orang, laki-laki tidak di ijinkan menangis, tapi buat ku tidak jadi soal.
Di kamar ini lah aku belajar akan arti sebuah masalah, dan makna dari setiap kejadian itu. Aku bersyukur bahwa aku di ijinkan belajar dari semuanya ini. Terutama pelajaran yang aku dapat dari seorang sahabat “bahawa aku bukan seorang malaikat”
Terima kasih buat semuanya, akan kulanjutkan sisa perjalanan hidupku ini dengan menggali lebih dalam akan makna “suatu kesempatan yang diberikan”


Monday, October 6, 2008

Mau Kemana???


(sebuah cerita singkat seorang Rangga)

Entah kenapa pertanyaan ini muncul tiba-tiba saat aku duduk mendengarkan ceramah salah satu dosen di kampusku. Bermula dari sebuah perkatan, dosen tua yang mengajar di kampusku. Beliau bertanya kepadaku, seperti ini,

“Rangga… apa tujuanmu sekolah di sini?” Tanya dosen itu.

Jelas aku menjawab, “ya untuk belajar, Pak”

Seketika darah ku berpacu mengikuti setiap detak dalam dadaku. Otakku seakan di pacu dengan sekelumit pertanyaan dan jawaban yang aku anggap adalah tepat.

Selang beberapa detik aku memikirkan jawabanku. Disamping itu,aku mendengar jawabn dari temanku yang yakin akan masa depannya. Sebagian mereka menjawab, “Ya.. jadi pendeta, kan saya belajar untuk jadi pendeta” dan sebagian lagi mengatakan “Ahhh jadi guru lah Pak, wong saya jurusan oendidikan”. Aku tercengang mendengar itu semua, dalam benakku apakah mentang-mentang kuliah di teologia kita wajib jadi pendeta. Terus terang aku tidak meremehkan jawaban teman-temanku, tapi aku merasa bahwa masa depan kita ditentukan dari apa yang kita pelajari. Aku kagum saat ini dengan semua yang telah aku pelajari di kampus ku ini.

Dalam pikiranku, aku belum pernah ingin jadi seorang pendeta, bagiku itu adalah jalan panjang yang aku harus tempuh. Aku ingin menikmati perjalanan hidupku sebelum aku yakin, bahwa aku mengambil jalan yang akan menghantuiku sepanjang sisa hidupku.

Kini, aku semakin berfikir “untuk apa aku disini”, sebuah pertanyaan yang mungkin di jawab dengan kebohongan. Kebohongan agar kita merasa tenang dan tiak mau keluar dari ZONA AMAN PRIBADI KITA. Buku, pena dan Alkitab kini menjadi alatku untuk melangkah, entah sampai kapan aku tahu akhir dari pertanyaan ini, namun yang pasti “hidu adalah perjuangan dan setipa perjuangan itu membutuhkan pilihan dan setipa pilihan membutuhkan keyakinan untuk melangkah”

Sepenggal kisah di sudut ruangan kampus tercintaku___

Rangga Prayoga Aditama

Friday, July 4, 2008

My picture

"Back to your home country,"

"let the light give you direction in this world"

Puncak Hidup....

Aku bediri mematung saat menatap indahnya pantai dan gunung yang menjulang tinggi. Pantai yang indah disalah satu sudut negri Timor Leste ini membuatku terkagum. Hembusan angin dan derapan kaki para pendatang menaiki tangga kearah patung Cristo Rei.

Siang itu udara panas tidak terkendali, hembusan angin di pucuk gunung dengan patung seorang juru slamat yang membuka tannganNya untuk menyambut setiap orang yang datang ke tempat ini.

Sejenak ku tatap alam yang indah di pulau ini, hamparan air laut di bawah sana, biru dengan kilauan cahaya matahari yang terpantul olehnya, gunung yang menjulang tinggi semakin memperlengkapi keindahan alam ini. Kekagumanku akan cipataan Tuhan tidak akan pernah habis ketika melihat alam yang begitu memesona setiap pengunjung.

Baru aku sadari bahwa nama Dilli itu berarti disini ada pantai, dan memang benar pantai di negri yang baru merdeka ini dipenuhi dengan pemandangan yang luar bisa.

Ucapan syukur mungkin takan pernah habis untuk melihat kekayaan pulau ini, dari ujung barat ke ujung timur semua di hiasi dengan pantai yang indah dan eksotik.

Tapi apa keindahan ini milik semua orang Timor Leste? entahlah….

Sejenak aku tekejut melihat begitu banyak orang asing yang tinggal di kota Dilli. Aku terkejut ketika ada di pantai “pasir putih”, berjajar pantat manusia dari negri lain, menikamati indahnya alam di pulau yang berarti matahari terbit ini. Sejenak aku sadar bahwa orang asing lebih mendominan setipa sudut kota ini, bayangkan orang pribumi mereka berenang jauh dari tempat yang berair jernih dan nyaman, sedangkan manusia pendatang mereka asik duduk dengan memamerkan pantat dan buah dada mereka di pinggir pantai yang jernih dan indah, bukankan ini dapat di katakan DISKRIMINASI –mungkin saja, terserah anda melihat dari mana-.

Kini aku berdiri tepat di puncak gunung yang memiliki patung Yesus,aku ternganga ketika aku tahu aku ada diatas kepala berpuluh manusia di di bawah sana-di puncak hidup, dalam pikirku-. Anggan ku melayang membayangakan aku ada di atas puncak kehidupanku, aku seakan terbang jauh menembus awan tanpa rasa takut dan kegetiran hidup.

Kadang dalam kehidupan kita, kita ingin sekali berada di atas puncak kenikmatan hidup ini, dimana semua yang terjadi dalam hidup kita adalah kesenangan belaka, tapi apa itu namanya hidup???, meraih segala kenikamatan hidup dengan mengorbankan kehidupan orang lain?????

Diskriminasi yang kulihat disini, membuka mataku bahwa di puncak kehidapan dengan menghapus kebebasan orang lain adalah kenisataan hidup yang patut di hapuskan. Dan aku telah belajar olehnya.

“Hidup adalah berkat maka nikmatilah hidup itu”

Journey to Bali


Perjalananku waktu itu cukup singkat, hanya dua hari tinggal di pulau Bali. Yang banyak orang katakan pulaunya para dewata.
Penerbanganku dari kupang, NTT dengan pesawat Merpati Air cukup menegangkan. Berawal dari bandara El-tari, Kupang. Penerbangan sempat tertunda kerena cuaca,dan itu cukup aku pahami, karena demi keslamatan penumpang pikirku. Penerbangan hanya memakan waktu dua jam dan sampai di bendara internasiaonal Ngurah Rai. Aku sedikit terkagum dengan kebersihan bandara ini, yang jelas sebagai warga Negara Indonesia aku sedikit bangga dengan kebersihan yang ada.

Ketika sampai aku di jemput oleh salah satu orang tua temanku, Pak Agung namanya. Beliau ramah sekali dan aku merasa nyaman dengan beliau. Ketika perjalanan ke hotel, aku melihat para bule sedang memamerkan pantat mereka di ruas jalan ke pantai kuta. Aku tertegun melihat semuanya itu. sampai di hotel aku segera istirahat dan malam ini aku akan bertemu dengan temanku dari Amerika, Steve namanya. Dan aku sudah dua tahun tidak saling ketemu.
Saat pertemuanku dengan nya di bali, aku sungguh tidak percaya. Dan dua hari itu aku gunakan untuk bercerita dan cari informasi tentang ke adaan Amerika sana.

Dan pada hari berikutnya, akhirnya perjalanan kami di mulai, pertama-tama. Kami keluar kejalan melintasi ruas jalan pulau bali yang ramai oleh para turis asing. Mobil kami melewati jalan mendaki dan kearah perbukitan. Dan tujuan peratama kami adalah GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana).

Mobil kami masuk ke daerah dataran tinggi dan berbatu. Aku mulai merasakan kekaguman akan alam pulau bali ini, dentingan musik traidisional khas bali membuat ku merinding, -aku paling suka dengan semua yang berhubungan dengan tradisioanal, baju, musik ampek tarian-.

Kami melangkah ke luar dari mobildan mendapatkan sebuah patung raksasa. Patung seorang pahlawan dalam ajaran hindu, tepat sang Wisnu terpahat dengan kokohnya dengan aliran air di bawahnya. Aku terkagum melihat patung itu dan mersakan betapam megahnya patung raksasa itu.

Aku mengamati patung itu dengan seksama, dan takjub olehnya. Setelah melihat patung san Wisnu itu aku kami melangkah turun dan mendapati patung yang tak kalah besarnya, patung yang direncanakan akan menopang tubuh sang Wisnu. Seekor burung raksasa hampir jadi berdiri kokoh di depannku. Burung garuda itu yang akan di letakkan di bawah patung sang Wisnu. Dihadapan patung Garuda itu, terhampat pelataran luas yang di kanan kirinya berdiri batu-batu besar yang membuat pemandangan semakin menarik. Manapakki jalan dalam area GWK ini membuatku terkagum dengan alam pulau bali yang mengasikkan.

Dalam benakku, aku berfikir bahwa semua karunia alam ini mungkin akan suatu saat akan berakhir, dan kepunahan itu akan segera tiba jika kita sebagai manusia tidak menjaganya.

Apakah kita siap melihat alam indah permai milik Indonesia punah dalam tangan kita?-entahlah-

Kami terus melangkah dan melangkah sampai pada akhirnya, kami di bawa ke suatu kuil di atas tebing. Dan saat itulah aku tersadar kita wajib bersyukur atas limpahan berkatnya di tanah Indonesia ini.

“Anugrah Alam adalah untuk dinikmati bukan di hancurkan”

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sebuah Mimpi

Diary, May 19, 2008

Aku terbangun pagi ini dengan suasana yang hambar, udara pagi yang seharusnya segar pagi ini terasa kotor. Ku buka selimut malamku dengan teriakan yang menyengat hati. Alam Timor Leste seakan tidak bersahaja. Aku terusik dengan orang-orang yang membuatku ingin sekali berontak.

Aku sadar di sini hanya satu tahun dan aku sadar bahwa “kemalangan” ini akan terbias dalam hitungan bulan.

Tapi apa aku yakin?

Ku usap mataku dengan kegelisahan yang akan menemaniku sepanjang hari. Tapi aku yakin aku akan melewati semuanya ini, tinggal bagaimana aku harus mengkuti arus.

Aku teringat beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku mempunyai mimpi. Mimpi yang mungkin tidak sembarang orang miliki.

Dari sebuah e-mail yang aku dapat dari temanku, aku akan diundang ke Amerika lagi.

Jujur saja aku sangat sangat bahagia, emosiku mungkin bisa meledak sampai ke ubun-ubun. Aku mulai membayangakan dan menikmati akan apa yang akan aku lakukan di sana. aku sungguh merekah.

Setelah e-mail itu aku mulai tahu kemana arah jalanku setelah satu tahun ini. Aku mulai meyadari bahwa aku bisa bermimpi, mimpi yang aku tau tidak mudah.

Namun, suatu keajaiban terjadi dalam kehidupan mimpi ku.

Hentakan halilintar meggoncangkan bangunan kecil yang aku bangun untuk mimpiku.

Ketika itu aku mencoba berbagi dengan teman lamaku –sahabat sekaligus kakak-.

Aku begitu semangat bercerita tentang hariku, tentang matahari yang akan terbit di atas kepalaku. Kukatakan kepadanya bahwa aku akan kembali ke Amerika, aku katakan ini adalah mimpi besarku.

Sahabatku merespons dengan sangat santai, aku sedikit ragu akan perkataannya, tapi sudahlah, keraguan itu kututup dengan rasa exiting ku. Aku terus bercerita sampai aku megatakan

“Itu mimpiku”.

Namun sayang, suatu keajaiban melumpuhkan setiap sarafku.

“Kenapa kamu sekarang berorientsi pada UANG”

Kata itu keluar dari mulut seseorang yang telah menjadi partnerku di sepanjang jalan ini. Sontak aku terkagum dengan keajaiban yang ia buat, keajaiban yang aku tidak pernah harapkan.

Kini aku mengerti bahwa terkadang teman pun dapat melumpuhkan setiap angan dan mimpi kita.

Sejenak aku membayangkan hidupku sekarang seperti robot yang diatur seseorang. Namun satu hal yang aku pegang, bahwa mungkin mimpi itu tidak tepat untuk ku, atau mungkin akan mendatang kan malapetaka dalam sisa hidup ku. Dan aku sadar mungkin Tuhan punya rencana yang indah buatku kelak.

Sobat… ketika kita mempunyai mimpi yakin atau tidak yakin kita akan di hadapapkan pada suatu pilihan dan pilihan itu lah yang menjadikan mimpi dan hidup kita terasa berharga.

“Terima kasih buat pelajaran yang telah kau berikan”

Teruntuk my brother, Ed_

Short Trip To Freedom

Diary, April 11th, 2008

Matahari belum menampakkan secercah cahaya

Embun pagi yang melekat di setiap rumput belum puas menikmati dinginya udara.

Secarik impian perjalanan terlewat dari mimpiku,

Aku berdiri di antara pintu yang bediri dengan kokoh dengan sanggahan tembok berwarna putih. Ku amati setiap udara yang keluar dari setiap nafasku, kulihat udara keluar dari mulutku seperti uap air yang mendidih, tapi ini bukan karena panas, tapi karena suhu dingin yang melingkupi ku saat ini.

“San, kita berangkat jam berapa pagi ini?” tanyaku pada seorang teman yang baru keluar dari kamar mandi.

“tenang saja, kita pasti berangkat, jam 8 dari sini, juga bisa.” Gadis itu bilang sambil memegang handuk yang ia kenakan sebagai penutup tubuhnya.

“OK” jawabku.

Aku segera mengambil air dan mandi, dalam ketelanjangan aku merasakan setiap tetes air menyemtuh setiap pori-pori kulitku tidak ada yang tersembunyi dari sentuhan air pagi ni. Kurasakan setiap tulangku menggigil karenanya. Sejenak aku tertegun akan pemikiran apa yang akan aku lakukan ketika aku sudah sampai di Atambua (Indonesia), apa yang akan terjadi, apakah akan senyaman ini,tapi yang jelas aku harus kesana, kerana visa ku habis, dan harus di perpanjang.

“Fik, bias ngak beli noodle” Tanya Santi padaku.

“Boleh tapi uangnya di bawa sama Mbak Yuni ya.” Jawabku menunjukan teman satunya lagi yang sekarang ada di kantor.

Tak beselang lama, aku makan noddle yang dimasak Santi dan menikmati “molen” yang menjadi dupa wajib bagi perutku.

Pukul 8 tepat aku dan Santi siap berangkat, tapi sebelum itu terwujud ,Mbak Yuni, yang menjadi team leader kami meminta untuk erdoa terlebih dahulu. Dan akhirnya setelah kata “amien” di ucapkan kami pergi.

Meniggalkan rumah dan teman-teman dan juga Yancho yang menjadi anjing peliharaan kami untuk beberapa hari.

Aku dan Santi berada dalam bus ke perbatasan Timor Leste, dengan hentakan music yang tidak bisa membuat detak jantung kami berlonjak tegang. Lagu dari Mulan Jameela mebuat ku sedikit terhibur dengan irama yang benar-benar HOT.

Dalam setiap perjalanan, pasti ada pemberhentian, dan sekarang kami berhenti di salalah satu penjagaan, empat kali seingatku, dan semuanya itu hanya melihat paspor dan ID lain. Dalm perjalaan itu juga, diriku baru merasa sedikit bebas, tidak tahu kenapa, mungkin kerana sudah 3 bulan aku di dili(Timor Leste), itu membuatku seperti orang linglung, disamping terasa asing dan aneh tapi yang jelas sekarang aku dan Santi berdiri di tenggah perspishan antara Timor leste dan Indonesia, salangkah lagi aku akan ada di tanah airku.

Rasa bebas menyelimuti relung jiwaku, menyusup setiap sendi-sendi dalam rongga dadaku.

Berjalan melewati perbatasan membuatku merasa “BEBAS”, entah kenapa namun yang jelas bahwa rasa ini seakan membuat hati melonjak.

Bayangkan, selama tiga bulan tidak bisa kontak dengan keluarga, tidak bisa nonton TV, tidak bisa jalan-jalan, merasa terancam oleh kriminalitas kaum muda di sekitar rumah dan yang paling parah tidak ada hiburan untuk di nikmati.

Kebebasan ini,……………

Mungki dapat ku katakan rasa dari nasionalisme, tapi entahlah, yang jelas aku sudah bebas, walaupun bebas hanya 2 minggu.

Aku melanjutkan perjalanan ke Atambua dengan Ojeg. Ketika dalam perjalanan, kurasakan usadara negriku menyentuh setiap lapisan kulit ku, kurasakan arti sebuah kebebasan, bebas dari rasa takut dan keterasingan. Dan yang membuatku merinding adalah BENDERA INDONESIA yang berkibar di salah satu ruas jalan menuju Atambua.

Namun satu hal yang aku pelajari, bahwa ada kalanya hidup kita dalam suatu kurungan dan setelah itu barulah kita dapat meresakan kebebasan. Dan di balik semuanya itu kita akan menysyukuri akan kebebasan kita itu.

“Kebebasan adalah satu hal yang berharga, maka syukurilah”

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Deary April 4th,2008


I standing in one the bridge of live
Without knowing where I should go
There is no place for me to lie down
With burden and sorrow on my wings
Wind told me that I need to fly
I know some day it will happen

I know I’m in the middle of buffeting
And my adversary is watch over me to die
Let me try to fight…..
Let me finish this battle….
No matter what the result
Let me belief on it

I trust with my strength
T trust that I will be fine
Don’t look at me as a child
‘Cause I know I arise
Feel my aura stronger that you

My feet strong enough to walk
For drawing ahead every single complication of live
Don’t stop me…
Just watch over me
‘Cause you will see that I grow up

If you read this poem, you will see the different in every couplet”



The wheel rotate on the hot road of east Timor
People pass by adding fuel to the flame
No matter what they do or see
Just walk pass, I paddle my bike
Cars go so fast without permission
Don’t care that some body hit by them.

Here it is my story that I’m be conscious of the word that who have money they will win, and who ever don’t have money they will lose all their life. But I will not let it happen again!!!!!.
It was 1 o’clock in the afternoon, I paddle my bike with heart full of emptiness, and I don’t know why I’m feeling like that, but honesty I feel that way. I pass people that sit on the edge of the road and think what they are doing by sitting there. I know that may be they waiting for some thing, or just want to wasting time and don’t think about the damp situation in their life in Dili, but in opposite road I saw a lot of cars standing in front of the best restaurant in Dilli, I saw some “Malay” (foreigner in tetun language) enjoy eat their lunch in such of heat situation in un control nation.
I paddle my bike with energy from the air that I breathe, cross the road; I feel this situation is unusual especially in Dili. After overstepping the shops that open with the shopkeeper standing in front of the shop, now I standing in the cross road that near by the “Palcio’, (government office). I stop there waiting for green light in traffic light. I saw a lot of cars passed by and some of them push the horn because the cars walk so slowly, and I just laughing on that (I’m thinking why people can’t patient for a couple minutes). But and that moment I don’t realize a taxi bumping my bike and suddenly I fall of and my bike was absolutely broken, I stand up and bring my bike to roadside and come to the taxi driver and ask him to repair, but
“Hey, are you ok?” the driver asked me
“No I’m not alright, are you blind? Could you repair my bike?” I reply with some emotion because my hand and feet hurt.
“Ohh I’m sorry about it.” The driver replays “I will bring you to repair shop and repair your bike” the driver said
(This situation I speak with Indonesian not tetun because I can’t speak tetun)
And suddenly a lot of people surround us. And of them know that I’m Indonesian said
“Huh... forget about him, he is Indonesian” he said
“What?? What the hell are you talking, you hate Indonesian, look at your self, do you think you’re amazing people, you are such damn person, study hard men” I replay with high tense after what he said to me.
“Ok fine let go to the shop” the driver asked me.
And now, I stop fighting with the men that humiliate me. And go with the driver to the shop.
On the way to the shop the driver said “Hey you, we will repair your bike, you pay half and me too, what do you think?”
“Well, you make it broken so you must repair it, not me.” I replay.
“What, it’s not my false, it is your false too” the driver said with anger.
“Hey...are you blind it was red light, so why I stop in that cross and are you blind that you didn’t see the sign?” I replay
After some argument with him, he said like this
“Ok well, that is just bike why don’t you buy the new one, if my bike broken like that I will buy again and throw it the garbage cane” he said like that.
“What. Do you think I have a lot of money, now, buy one for me if you have money?” I asked him because he so proud that he have a lot of money.
“So do you think I’m kind of poor people and you just damp it on the road” I continue with strong argument and he just turned and smiled.

And finally he repairs my bike and left me in the repair shop with a couple dollars and left with the word “Just bike for poor people”
On that time I think “Does rich people always reject poor people?” I really disappointed with it.

After waiting, my bike already normal again and I could ride home. With pain and adumbrate what just happen. I paddle my bike long the way to home. It was about 100 meter a way form my house, I breezy by the road that not cover by asphalt. I saw a car upon the other side walk closer to me and it mean I need to step aside but suddenly the driver push the horn and make me astounding, and the driver didn’t give me way to passed through, in my mind I think “what the hell is that, it is not fair, it is because he have a car and he could disparage other”.

After I got home I think deeper about it, why people have money could buy anything and could disparage other. Is the world law like that?????
I hope not!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

don't judge me...


I ride my bike a cross the road in dilli.
With the sun are strongly shining and the faces that I don’t know.
And now, I stand in front of Internet café that I use to come.
I see some people standing on the line for buying pulse
And finally I found that I need to wait to use the internet café.
I put my bottom in one the chair to wait.
And suddenly one of the security ask me
“Hey, do you know how to read Tetun (Timorese language)?” he asks me
“Actually not, why?” I replay.
“You can’t.” With strong accent “How come you can’t read Tetun, you must know, you are in Dili, Mr.” he is continue.
“But I can read in English, I think that’s enough and I don’t need learn Tetun, I can read a little bit.” My self-defense
“Yeach you right, English huh..And you so chuffed on it.”
Replay the security and look at me with animus.
“You know what if I’m in Indonesia, I will speak Indonesia, same like you now, you are in Dili, you must speak Tetun don’t you?” He was asking me again with his judging at me.
“Ok well, I will learn some times, are you happy now?” I ask him with an abrupt answer. And he is suddenly quite.
“Any way, thank you for remain me to learn language, I’m appreciate with that.” I continue. And I got my internet access.

“ from that situation, I had learn a lot, such as if we come to another country, we must need to learn about their local language, don’t proud that we know English is the most I had learn, I know that English is world language, but do all people know about English?. Learn local language could make us back to our children memory when we start learn to speak, little by little but we still try and try even we make mistake, I remember that’s really fine if we make mistake as we know that we are learner. And I’m so happy that when we learn local language we can feel and thing that we are so weak and need other to help us learn, and when we are study we like a kids again, with fresh heart and it could lift up our stress and depress in new place, because we could laugh when we make a mistake :-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Dear Brother and sisters,

I don’t realize that next week is the last week of March, and we just passed the Easter season. I believe that each of you had a great time gathering with the family. This week I went to church without my family, and friends so I feel quite a lone, but it’s not make my days are going bad, but I’m so thankful that God still give me a chance to celebrate Easter in East Timor.
This week, I can say my days not going so easy, I learn a lot every day, even though bad situation happen in part of my days, but I thank to God that give me a chance to carry on all that burden.
Situation in dilli, getting much better, there is no confrontation from follower of Alfredo that died last month because he shot the president. And this week all the people in Dili hear that the president forgive Alfredo, so this week as every body celebrate Easter, they had learned about forgiveness. The president will come back from Australia in the end of this month or first week of April, so it is good news for Timorese, me too actually. All Timorese are hoping that the situation will get normal again. And this month rain still fall down, and it is make the heat going down. (I wrote one of the stories “freedom is in rain” on my blog). Another story is some of the refugee will got money from the government $ 4500 for their life but they must go back to their home town or house (not in refugee camp in dili), but some of them don’t want it, they still want to stay in refugee camp in Dili, from my observation I think some of them don’t want to return to their house is because in refugee camp they got support every month from government or NGO that taking care of them, it is mean they just don’t want to work, they just want to take free for every things. That’s why some times I don’t like them^-^,
On Monday, one of my friend (from Korea), she back up the entire document in the computer that I’m work with. So after she back up the entire file, she change the entire program with the new one (excel2007 and windows2007) that she just brought from Korea. So now, on my computer is use new system. So after she clean up all the virus, I put my document back, but suddenly all my document deleted by anti virus that she upload, now all my document that I need to send to Korea are gone. I really disappointed about it, because in that file, I put every thing, my financial report for 6 months especially that make me want to cry, so now I try to type again all my report that make me really exhausted this week.
So in the afternoon, I went to internet café to send some e-mail to my coordinator that now in Kupang (west Timor), and send some report to Korea, but the trouble just came out, I couldn’t open my file that I save in the flash disk, so I really get angry with that, because the e-mail is very urgent but any way I type again directly on the internet café that mean I spent more that 3 dollars. (I wrote on my blog too, by the way). After finish send the e-mail, I ride my bike to go to market to buy some stuff, but on the way to the market I got hit by a car, Hick...Hick…my bike is totally broken, but I thanks God that I’m fine, just scratch on my hand and feet. I charge the car to repair my bike after fighting in Tetun language (actually I don’t understand tetun) so on that time the driver repair my bike and I got my bike back.
The problem is not done yet, after I return home, I found that I need to teach at 4 pm, so after got home I open my book and prepare for the class. And finally my class going well, I quite exhausted with all that happen today.

After all that happen, I had learn that I need to be peaceful to face up some difficulties that happen, and another thing is a man could cry too, yess. ..on the Monday night I was cry because I feel really a lone, in such of difficult time like that. My file are gone, got an accident and teach with a lot of pain on my hands and feet. Above all I really thankful with what God just let me walk through, and I believe that God has made every thing beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). and i believe that some day when i face all this again i could be strong and don't need to cry

above all thak you somuch for your pray and support, may God be with you always.

please pray for
my health and all the program and my service here.

with love and prayeR

Sunday, March 23, 2008

side of angger

whach over me
you.. look at me
and tell me that you are man
far or distance never took the beat
just show me your strenge
then i can force my self
you afraid of me
look you think you better than me
close your mouth couse i will show
my power
couse i know you
as week as a pity
as human can be
i had learn that angger is make my energi gone and make more depress and going under the world..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ears phone

Close Your Ears, So The World Is Yours….

We made in the beauty of God
With strength that keep all fine
We life in beautiful place of world
Let us see the wonder of it

I’m standing in one of cross road of East Timor road. I found and see a lot of people walk around and some of them are drive their car in the hot temperature of Dilli, every where in here just amazing. People are laughing, driving, and selling kind of food near by the government office. I saw one guy went out from one of office near by “Palacio” (Government’s office in East Timor). He walked with big book on his hands and I know he is a foreigner. After he went out from the office, directly he put ears phone on his ears and put some music on it. I saw him so confident with his way, and walk a cross the road with music on his ear, and I believe that he never hear the noisy of the road and he just hear his music and don’t care with other person, so on the way, I saw some body stop him and said some thing but he just walk over and don’t replay what somebody else speaking because he didn’t hear about it.
So as human, I had learn that when we “close our ears, so the world is mine”? is that true?? I believe that is not true, I know we just want to be our self, not speaking to other person or try to ignore the noisy of his world, but for me it is look like some kind of Egoistic of our self, God made us to connecting with other people and be nice to other not just be our self and ignore the world around us.
I remember one of my supervisor in retirement community in the USA, 2 years ago, she told me when I put ears phone on my ears, she said that “you look so egoistic with that, and I believe that you will never hear other person and don’t care with every thing around you” and now, I realize that (thank you for her).
Even right now, some times I still put ear phone and I know and realize that I feel I’m so egoist with other people.

“Open your ears to hear the world screaming out and need your help”

freedom is in rain

Freedom Is In Rain

Drop the water never could stop me
Wet or dry just let me through
Don’t worry
This is just water to wash my tears and sorrow.

It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon; I walked to the market that takes just 25 minutes from my house in East Timor. I know in that in a couple minutes cloud will drop the water to the ground, but I completely sure that I will be home before the rain comes down. So I walk by my self to the market and bought some vegetable for my dinner. After I bought all the stuff I go back to my house. But on the way the cloud can’t wait to drop the water so, here it is the water touch the ground.
When the rain comes I stop and go to one of empty house and wait until the rain stopped, but the rain not easy to stop so I wait a little bit long. While I’m waiting, I saw a lot of Timorese walking under the rain, without any umbrella on their hands. They just walk like there is no rain there, and they so happy walking under the rain.
Finally, I found that in east Timor when the rain comes, they feel freedom on it, a lot of youth running, and feel the freedom. I remember last time when I had English class in my house; it was rain and all my student just run away because they said that when the rain comes we don’t have to sit and works or study. So I look out side and found a lot of youth just running and playing with the rain and don’t care about my class. They feel free; even I know that they have a lot of conflict and straggling in their life, but they just fly with water and dancing and enjoyed on it.
Actually I really complain about all this, if I live in my home town and the rain comes we never and never play on it or just walk around under the rain. Because I will get sick after I play on the rain. After I saw Timorese play, actually I thinking why they are so stupid, do they think that they will get sick?” and I realize that is fine in their culture, because they feel free on it, free from fear, free from depression from the situation in this country, and free to be their self.
Now I know, if we lived in another country we don’t need to judge what their habits or said that we are smarter than them, we just need to learn that every thing is fine if we just go with the flow. Another thing that I had learn, is be our self is more happier life than copying other person’s life. And I hope I can feel the freedom when I walk on the rain, not fear, or afraid about my life and future, just free to walk and be my self.

“feel the fredom and we will get the happier life in this world”

Sunday, March 16, 2008

DAD..Let me grow..

DAD…Let me grow…….

Age is just numbers…
Walk through them is blessing
Learn is part of it
Ready or not we will face all this.
As a child we think like a child
As youth we need to grow up
Don’t be the same any more!!!!
"Dad, I want to buy a motor bike, can I?" ask my brother when he want to buy a motor bike, but my dad always told him that he can’t buy motor bike before he got driver license, because my dad was afraid if he let my brother buy, he will get injure or accident. My brother was angry because of it, so he got mad and my father always gave him suggestion to wait until him graduate from high school.
Another story is when I stayed with my host family. This family has a teenager boy, he like hang put with his friend and some times he stay over night in one pf his friend’s house. So one times when he wants to stay in one of his house, his dad was said no, because he needs to study because he has test, but a teenage boy doesn’t listen what his dad told him so he went out and when he came back his dad just told him that what ever you do I hope you will understand that study is more important.
And now, when I came to East Timor, actually my family doesn’t let me to go because the situation in Dili (East Timor) is not safe, as you know a lot of conflict here. But after discus with all my family finally they give me permission.
From all off it, I know that may be some of parent doesn’t want their children walk from out of their permission, so I think it will very hard to the child because they want to grow up, take his/her responsibilities and walk through all thing that they want.
But one thing that as a child we need to hear our parent’s words, I know as a young man we want to be free, just waiting for right moment. As we grow, we will take step by step our responsibilities, may be hard or may be easy it is depend how we take all that responsibilities. As I learn I take all my responsibilities from my family to works in East Timor, it is not easy that I thought, some times I need to get down with low feeling or some times just want to get out and having fun. But one thing that make me realize is that I had learn to grow not only having fun all the time but I need to responsibilities for my future and my life, I believe that my life is on my hands and my future on my feet.
And for parents, I want to ask you, why you always think your child is still small kids that need direction to go? I know that your really love us but we need to GROW UP too, don’t you know that. But one thing that I learn from all of you is you are great parent for your child, I believe there is no father or mother that don’t like their child, but give us chance to take our responsibilities, just tell me that when we go in wrong direction and give us chance to take our responsibilities.
"Our life is on our hands, and our future is on our feet"

learn from e-mail

Talking is no more teaching than listening is learning

I believe that when we face up difficult time we need some support and some advice from our friends or family. And this week I found my self that I need some body to help me out in such of boring time in East Timor. So last time I send an e-mail to one of my best friend and I got the great e-mail that gave me new spirit to go.
After read this e-mail, I’m blessed with such of words that he wrote to me. I realize that even in elderly we could share some of knowledge to the young generation, and I’m proud that as a young I could learn from him.
In this e-mail I learned also that we could make some of new style to teach, because right now, I teach in Dili, and so bless that he gave me new idea to teach. Another thing that I had learn is we don’t have to speak a lot but just listen other and be quite and listen other is more great, and now, I try to listen what other want from me and I will do the best for them.
And amazingly I found that Fear take all my energy, and I make me more down in difficult time, but after read this e-mail, I don’t have to worry or fear about any thing, God hand always lead me.

"Dear Nofika ....
You might have thought that we have fallen off the edge of the planet since it has been several weeks since I have written to you. Fear not! My absence is because we have been out of this area for several weeks, and I have not had access to a computer. First, we planned a two week vacation in the south - state of Florida. It had been some time since we had the pleasure of just going off on our own, without responsibility for anyone. (When you are OLD, you have this luxury!!) While in Florida, we had word from members of my family that my younger brother, who had been very ill for a long time, was not going to live very long. Thus, we rushed home, and upon arrival, received a phone call from my sister that my (younger) brother had indeed, died. This was a sad time so we made the 350 mile trip west and shared with the family in the funeral. Now we are back at the Dock Woods resident, tired, but otherwise feeling very well. I went to the men's fellowship (coffee) on Wednesday morning and shared some of your letter. Several of the men wanted your email address, and as soon as I can, I will share that with them. I brought your greeting to all of them.
You mentioned that it is hard to teach the students, especially when they do not pay attention. Is it possible for you to involve them in materials they might find more interesting, such as a newspaper? I remember working with a teacher in Prague, Czech Republic who used common ordinary materials. Even "comic books". Another thing is that the teacher there asked others who spoke English, to join them in "conversational groups". Any thing to avoid simply talking. We used to say, "Talking is no more teaching than listening is learning".
You also mentioned that at times you experience "fear". On the downside, fear takes a lot of your energy, and tires you out. On the upside, fear alerts your body, focuses your attention, and allows you to draw closer to yourself in protection to those opposing forces. So fear is not all bad!! What you describe about the local conditions seems to come close to "civil way" where factions are working against each other. We know that you will persevere with your work until you complete what you set out to do. And, may the God of love and grace keep you and fill you with Holy energy (of the Spirit) so that you will be safe, and also finish what you set out to do.
Nofika, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
We have also worked in many foreign and hard places, but have never been threatened with our lives. So, we know that such work taxes your mind, body and Spirit. HE that called you will guide you through to the end. So, be at peace in your heart and life.
With affection ...
Harry (and Dot)
Dock Woods (Mennonite) Community
118 Dock Drive
Lansdale, PA 19446-6230"

And above all this e-mail, I had learn about life and realize that I need someone to teach me more. And take time being quite and listening other feeling is the best serve other that I ever know.
Be peace and, continue to learn.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Laughing at our self, WHY NOT???

Laughing at our self, WHY NOT?

"Hidup adalah perjalanan maka nikmatilah, Hidup adalah tantangan maka hadapilah, dan hidup adalah permainan maka bermainlah dengan baik dan benar"
Kadang kita berasumsi bahwa hidup kita berhenti ketika terjadi suatu kesulitan atau masalah, masalah keuangan, pasangan hidup dan mungkin masalah berhadapan dengan budaya baru disaat kita memulai suatu perjalanan hidup. Tak jarang di antara kita ketika menghadapi budaya baru atau bahkan keadaan yang baru membuat kita tertekan atau bahkan sampai stress olehnya, banyak mengeluh tentang keadaan atau budaya baru atau bahkan tidak mau sama sekali berhubungan dengan budaya atau lingkungan disekitar yang serba asing, maka dari itu kenapa kita tidak mau mencoba, jika memang ada kesalaahan, kenapa tidak Laughing at our self untuk proses belajar.
Saya memepunyai beberapa pengalaman dimana saya dituntut untuk masuk dalam suatu budaya baru dan kebiasaan baru. Dan inilah pengalaman saya itu.

Saat itu, saya sedang mengikuti program pertukaran budaya di Amerika selama setahun, dan kejadianya pada pagi pertama ketika saya diajak sarapan pagi di depan saya hanya ada roti, semangkuk cereals dan segelas orange jus, saya menikmati sarapan pagi saat itu sambil ngobrol dengan keluarga yang saya tinggali, tapi sayang setalah 2 jam sarapan perut saya lapar lagi karena tidak makan nasi, jadi saya bilang ke keluarga itu saya belum sarapan, dan sontak mereka kaget kareana baru 2 jam yang lalu menikmati sarapan bersama, (saat itu seperti anggapan orang jawa, sarapan berarti makan nasi).
This is another story, it was my first night I slept with one guy from Argentina, he is very nice person, and we had good communication, we were discus about work or culture until mid night and finally we stop our conversation because it was mid night. First I went to the bath room to brush my teeth, after that I went back to my room but some thing made me shocking and I never could forget it, the guy was naked in front of me and just walked in front of me without shy or permission so and that time I just stood up and watched him, no speak or breathing just like a statue and So for the next day I told him that in y culture it is not polite so after I told him he was laughing and said sorry, and it was my "first night" to see an adult guy naked…haha
When I get use too American culture I had to get back to Indonesia, and it was not easy though. I have too experience reentry and it was quite hard for my self. I got mess up with my own culture with American’s culture. Last time when I walked around with friends, I brought a cone of ice cream and eat it while I was walking, suddenly all my friends look at me with strange face.
I said "what?"
One of them said that it is not polite to eat while we walking. I haven’t completely recovered from reentry of American-Javanesse I have to be send to Timor island, which name I only heard in news paper. I have no idea about the culture in Timor island, so you can imagine I do so many silly things (Again!!!!!)

And this is my very impression experience that I had I west timor, actually last month I got this experience. I was stay in my friend house to celebrate Christmas and new year. This family is from SABU tribe \ ( it is one of tribe in West Tmor). Actually I don’t know the culture in here for greeting each other, it was after Christmas service in the church, all the members of the church went out to greeting with the pastor including me, I saw one by one rubbing each other nose, in my culture people have a quite wide personal area so it not common to be physically too close to other people. so I thought it was only for the members but when my turn is coming I just want to shake hand but the priest pull my hand and make his face close with mine at that moment I almost scream out and said "Noooooo don’t do that"
but finally….

but for me it was not that bad and latter on I got use to it and here I have little tips to do it for you, please pull your lips back and close your mouth, you have to do it other wise…well,.. you know what will happen……

the other experience was my over confident teach student in the Peace School. It was the time to say good bye, so I told the children to come again tomorrow, I said that information in Teturn, I said " abang tinan 2 mai" (that’s mean tomorrow age 2 came again) and actually I want to say " abang tuku 2 mai) (tomorrow at 2 o’clock came again), the different is I use Tinan and Tuku (age and O’clock) so after I said like that all my student look at me and laughing at me and all the student call me Tinan 2 ( 2 years old).

After all disaster to learn new culture and language, now I could learn a lot and some times if I remember all of silly things I could laughing at my self. But one thing that I can share is why we need to be shy to learn new thing padahal from our mistake or silly thing we could get a lot of knowledge. So "just laughing at our self" if you made some thing silly, especially if you want to try some thing new or you in the middle of strange place. Keep moving guys!!! Don’t be afraid to laugh for our self.
published on newslleter Timor Lesste.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

start with learning

Start with learning

"Life is a journey so enjoy it; life is choice so chose the right one, life if blessing so be thankful of it"

The day goes by so fast, the season change with a lot of memories on it, sometimes sad but sometimes happy and all of it is our life journey. And the day always start with new hope in each morning.
I remember when I was child, I always try some thing new and always ask to my parents about anything, some times they just told me a simple one but some times make me confuse. But all of it we need to learn, even sometimes we tired to learn about anything but life is learning process so why we don’t need to enjoy the time that we have to learn. When I was child I learned to walk, and it was not easy I need to hang on my father hands if I want to walk, after trying all the times finally I could walk right now, so learning is like that we will get the great point if we are not give up with all the difficulties that we face up.
A couple years went by, we still need to refresh our mind with new thing, and so do you think learning process will stop when you get older? Absolutely not, look around us, every body learn, when they getting mature they will face up difficulties more than they was child. So they need to learn more than, learn to make a decision, learn to deal with future, deal with girl/boy friends, so all of it we need to learns.
I had read one of article that I found in my host family house in the USA, in one of my father desk,( his name is Jim King) he put a paper that had letter on it with "learn in never die, because knowledge always growing up". After read that words, I relies that all human need to learn as long as he still in the planet earth. So for now, I’m just surprise that a\some people stop their study or end their learning process with some of bad thing. I believe that around us is our teacher, even stone, leaves, tree or animal, they could be our teacher to lead us to face up all things that happen in our life, so why we don’t see around us, just see and learn from it.
I believe that each one of us could help each other to learn, I could learn from you, and you could learn from me, and lets make the world more beautiful with our comitment to help each other to learn.
"I learn from you, you learn from me".
With love and prayer,